Avicenna Alliance: enhanced knowledge, improved decisions, better outcomes

FUTURE WEBINAR - 2024, June 11 - Gemma Piella, UPF: "Medical Imaging: machine learning and computer vision at the forefront"


FUTURE WEBINAR - 2024, June 11 - Gemma Piella, UPF: "Medical Imaging: machine learning and computer vision at the forefront"

If you are not an Avicenna member and are interested in this webinar, please contact Roberta Maggi


As machine learning and computer vision continue to advance, their integration into medical imaging stands at the forefront of innovation in healthcare. From early disease detection to personalized diagnosis and therapy, these technologies, including artificial intelligence in general, have demonstrated their potential to revolutionize medical practice. This talk highlights the paradigm shift that AI has brought to medical imaging and presents various examples of machine learning and computer vision applications in the field.


Gemma Piella is Full Professor at University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. She obtained her degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, and a PhD in Applied Sciences from the Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In 2004, she was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship and worked in mathematical representations for image coding at Télécom Paris, France. In 2006, she was awarded a Ramón y Cajal fellowship and relocated at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, where she started working in medical imaging. In 2013, she cofounded a new research group: SIMBIOsys, which in turn, is a cofounder group of the research unit Barcelona Center for New Medical Technologies. Her main research lines are Medical Image Analysis and Machine Learning for Personalised Medicine. She received the ICREA Academia award in 2021 and the DonaTIC (academic category) award in 2022. Since 2023, she has been the co-chair of the Artificial Intelligence Task Force in Avicenna Alliance, full member of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Honor Research Society, and of ELLIS - the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems.


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