
In vivo, in vitro, in silico: Why computer modelling is the next evolution of the healthcare sector
International Conference on In Silico Medicine on 4 September

Cipla brings India perspectives on In Silico to Brussels
New Avicenna Member company Cipla shared some key insights on India’s perspective of In Silico medicine during a visit to Brussels in April. Mr. Nandan Kulkarni, Associate Director representing the company, used this opportunity to meet with representatives of the Avicenna Alliance to discuss Computer Modelling and Simulation in India and the European Union (EU).

Enabling the digital transformation of health and care in the EU
The European Commission presented its views on e-health and proposed a set of measures to facilitate the digital transformation of health and care in a Communication published on 25 April. It sets out how digital innovations can be used to promote health, prevent and control diseases, help address patients' unmet needs and make it easier for citizens to have equal access to high quality care.

AABME is CONNECTing experts on Modelling and Simulation
The Alliance of Advanced Biomedical Engineering (AABME) is organising the first ever AABME CONNECT event in Minneapolis bringing together key stakeholders to discuss innovations and modelling and simulation in healthcare.

The Avicenna Alliance discussed upcoming activities
The Avicenna Alliance board was convened by Secretary General Thierry Marchal on 23 March where board members around the world discussed the activities of the Alliance. They looked back at the work that has been done in the first few months of the year and discussed upcoming activities in 2018. Former Secretary General Adriano Henney was appointed Chairman of the Board and François-Henri Boissel was named the new Treasurer of the Alliance.

Have you met your digital twin?
You can be introduced to this digital twin during a free webinar organised by Avicenna Member the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). During the webinar, Marc Horner (Ph.D., Technical Lead, Healthcare at ANSYS, Inc.) will explain this concept and highlight the role of computational modelling in healthcare. Dr. Horner will discuss how concepts such as the internet of things have led to an exponential growth of data. Combined with physiological models, this data can be used to optimise patient treatment. Digital twins can also be used to assess and improve products and to make production processes more efficient.