Introducing the plain language in silico medicine glossary
As in silico medicine continues to advance, new concepts and terms emerge rapidly—often before widespread consensus is established. To make this transformative field more accessible to all the stakeholders including the patients, we are pleased to present the “Plain language in silico medicine glossary”, now published on Zenodo.
Happy New Year, 2025, the Millennium Year
Dear Avicenna Alliance members, As we welcome the new year, we hope you had a joyful holiday season filled with moments of relaxation and happiness with your loved ones.
Life Sciences Open Space in Krakow
The Avicenna Alliance gave a keynote speech at the Life Sciences Open Space conference.
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays
Dear Avicenna Alliance Members, As we approach the close of 2024, it’s time to pause and reflect on another remarkable year of collaboration and progress. Soon, many of us will take a deserved break to celebrate and recharge with our loved ones.
Webinar "In Silico Medicine: The Story So Far" by Prof Marco Viceconti
Join an exceptional Avicenna Alliance Webinar by Prof Marco Viceconti: January 14th, 2025
Highlights from the NAFEM France Biomedical Session
Our President and Secretary General Thierry Marchal alongside Daniel Fougeres (Micado) had the honour to co-chair a series of six presentations during the NAFEM France Biomedical Session.