
27 - "Verification and validation pipeline for the risk-informed credibility assessment of in-silico fluid simulations for left atrial appendage devices"
Oscar Camara, UPF (29.09.2022)

26 - "Towards automatic generation of patient-specific models of the lower limb for simulation of orthopedic surgeries" by
Mathieu Rimaud, Elaheh Elyasi and Antoine Perrier, TwinSight (12.07.2022)

25 - "In Silico modelling of tumour prognosis: towards the digital twin"
Maria Angeles Perez Anson, University of Zaragoza (14.06.2022)

24 - "Hyper-accelerate clinical trials using an in silico approach"
Luca Emili, InsilicoTrials Technologies (10.05.2022)

23 - "AI & Personalised Cardiac Modelling: Learning by Heart"
Maxime Sermesant, Inria (05.04.2022)

22 - "Smart Manufacturing for Life Sciences by Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division"
Anup Paul and Wandrille Vallet, Hexagon (08.03.2022)